This is the story of my continuing battle to NOT participate in the census. However mis-guided or inappropriate this may seem, it is a battle that I am undertaking on philosophical grounds. The following events, in reverse chronological order, is  documentation of the government's efforts to invade my privacy.

The porch light goes on and I spy a short, heavy-set black woman on my step. I crack the door only slightly to keep the dogs from running out. I notice the census I.D. badge. She starts her introduction. I reply that I'm not interested and close the door. The porch light goes out.

She yells through the door that I must give her my name. That I must answer at least that question. That my refusal is a crime. That this crime allows her to return to my home with a police officer in tow to force my compliance. Over my shoulder and through the door I tell her to get lost.

Through the peephole, I spy a short, Hispanic man on my step. I open the door and the dogs run out on the porch. I notice the census I.D. badge. He starts his introduction. I reply that I'm not interested.

He replies, "But I am the census." I again reiterate that I am not interested and close the door.